Project Overview

This is a website developed for AnyworkX cross-platform mobile app. AnyworkX is an online marketplace that serves as a platform for vendors to showcase their legitimate services, skills, and experience to potential customers Anyworkx Africa is a website developed for X-agon (a tech solution parent company).

Problem Statement

The website served as a medium to display more information about the app, drive traffic to their mobile app, handle user inquiries through live chat and contact form, and a job posting platform where candidates could apply for jobs posted by the client.

Roles and Responsibilities

I worked on the project as a Frontend Developer in collaboration with a multi-disciplinary team, including a backend developer, a content writer, and a UX designer.

Design and Development

While my primary role was as a front-end developer, I collaborated with the UX designer during the research and planning stages to gain a deeper understanding of the project's requirements. The website was developed according to the requirements of the client. Some of the key features of the website include:

  • Real-time Messaging System: We engineered a dynamic, web-based messaging application that serves as the driving force of the website. Seamlessly connecting users and administrators, this feature enables real-time communication and interaction. Users can initiate conversations directly from the landing page, while administrators benefit from a dedicated admin panel for efficient customer service.
  • Job Application Management: Job Application Management is a feature designed to streamline the process of managing job applications and job postings. It provides the client with a user-friendly interface to perform various tasks related to job applications and job postings which includes posting new job openings and specifying job details, administrators can view and manage incoming job applications.
  • Subscription handling: This feature focuses on managing subscribers to a newsletter. The admin panel feature offers various features and functionalities to interact with and organize subscriber data, the main feature allows the admin to export the list of subscribers to a CSV (Comma-Separated Values) file. This feature is useful for downloading subscriber data for offline analysis or backup purposes.
  • Instant Push Notifications: In our pursuit of a better user experience, we introduced push notifications to keep the platform responsive and engaging. When a user sends a message, it instantly alerts administrators, ensuring swift and effective response times.

Frontend Technologies Used

HTML CSS JavaScript Firebase Fetch API JWT Authentication

Some Project snapshots